

  Famous temple fairs in Beijing such as the Earth Altar, Changdian and Longfu Temple, are typical ones with local snacks, folk arts and crafts sold as well as performances for visitors to watch. Artisans make articles for daily use such as double-edged combs, wigs, and bamboo and wicker products. Temple fairs are also markets for flowers, birds, insects and fish. Antiques, paintings and calligraphic works are also traded at temple fairs. Pilgrims can also enjoy shows of acrobatics, conjuring and operas as well.

  Pilgrims come to Buddhist or Taoist temples to pay tribute to the gods. Vendors sell various products to them in the booths around the temples.

  鼎盛时期,公司曾被市场视为在那个年代中能与宝洁、联合利 ☾华等国际日化巨头对抗的为数不多的中国企业 ➥。

细分来看 ✋,持续经营能力存疑、关联方大额资金占用、行政处罚、 ⏬未决诉讼事项、内控缺陷或审计机构无法获取充分、适当的审计证据 ♌等均成为上市公司被出具非标审计意见的重要原因。其中 ♎,持续经营 ➧能力存疑是被出具“非标”意见的主要原因。

■3月29日,市公证处服务窗口进驻政务服务大厅便民服务专区 ♎开始办理公证业务。


“我们已经签署过协议,将动视暴雪的热门游戏在超过1.5亿台 ➢设备上提供 ☻。我们仍然致力于通过补救措施加强这些协议 ➤。”Brad Smith强调,“我们特别失望的是,在经过长时间的审议后 ♊,这个决定似乎反映了CMA对云技术的市场及技术运行方式理解有 ⛸误。”

  委  员(按姓名笔划为序)


  2. 庙会卖什么?表演什么?

  本报记者 吴士杰 【编辑:山下敬吾 】

